Why are anaerobically fermented foods so good for you?
Anaerobically fermented foods (also called lacto-fermentated) are celebrated for their enhanced nutritional profile and probiotic content, which play a crucial role in promoting digestive health and boosting the immune system. During the fermentation process, natural bacteria feed on the sugar and starch in the food, creating lactic acid. This process not only preserves the food but also creates beneficial enzymes, B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and various strains of probiotics. Additionally, fermentation helps break down the foods to a more digestible form, which increases the body's ability to absorb these nutrients more effectively.
How long are the elixirs fermented?
It varies! But each is fermented for a minimum of three weeks.
Will I feel the effects of the elixirs immediately?
Your body will absorb the countless nutrients right away, but you may not feel all the beneficial effects immediately, especially if you start slow like we suggest. Healing takes time and every body is different. When trying a new elixir, some people may feel some detox symptoms that fade after a few days. Others might notice a difference right away. And some may seemingly feel nothing at all at first, but notice that if they go a few days without an elixir, their old symptoms start coming back.
Do the elixirs have an expiration?
The carrot and onion elixirs are good for about one month from bottling. The beet elixir is good for two months from bottling.
*Tip: All the elixirs can all be frozen before their best by date to preserve their nutrients! We like to freeze them in ice cube trays. Then we either eat them as a frozen treat, or let them melt into a cup to drink.
How long is an elixir good for after opening?
An elixir is good for five days once the bottle has been opened. After five days the nutrient content decreases significantly. But the elixirs can all be frozen to help preserve their nutrient content.
Are you products organic?
Our products are made with organic ingredients! My daughter and I can only eat organic due to our allergies, so we only have organic products in our home :)